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A Young Couple With Scary Human Hands On Their Necklaces.

A young couple that was seen from a rural area near the Mozambique boarder gate has left the community terrified and fearing for their lives and the safety of their children. After seeing this young couple multiple times with neclaces that have small human hands at the bottom.

These hands are a bit difficuilt to identify whether they are human hands or hands of a monkey because they seem to have both features of a human hand and a monkey hand, but the community is scared of them either ways because a monkey’s hand is known to be used for witchcraft and the neighbours are not comfortable having such people around them.

This couple is known for being traditional healers for years now but they were seen with these hands just recently. “There have never been cases of harrasment charged against them and they are known for being kind and loving people” says one of the community members while answering to the Mzansi Hot Mgosi team.

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