Sizok’Thola gone wrong, here is why this video caused a stir on social media
Sizok’thola is a show presented by Xolani Khumalo, the show is all about exposing drug cartels and syndicates. Xolani is the leader of the Sizokthola team, a group of individuals dedicated to fighting crime and drugs in South Africa around the clock. To keep the street clean and curb crime, Xolani Khumalo confronts drug lords in areas populated by drug cartels and exposes them.
One thing about people on social media they are good at recreating things. One of the people who are good at copying people is Leon Gumede. Leon Gumede is a content creator who normally imitates people. This time he decided to imitate Xolani and his team when he decided to get his team and did a video of the Sizok’thola show. A video of Leon Gumede was shared on social media with the caption Sizok’thola gone wrong. Below is what was posted:
In the video shared Leon Gumede Is seen with his acting team going to expose a drug dealer, but things didn’t go the way they would normally go during Xolani’s show the real Sizokthola show. Because the acting drug dealer ended up beating up Leon Gumede and his team. But that’s something that has never happened before, instead, Xolani would always get the drugs from the drug dealer and expose him.
After this video was shared on social media people started commenting and they were impressed after watching the video someone even commented saying Wouldn’t watch the real show but I’d watch this one every day.
Then another one also commented saying you nailed it.
Another one also commented saying amazing how the real show never met a stubborn and strong giant drug dealer.
That’s an amazing talent, it’s always good to see people doing such amazing shows, with everything that’s happening with Xolane and the pain they are going through, because of what happened on his last show. People could use it with some bit of laughter.
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